The New Trend is Longer Videos

Author: Crowdson Creative Video Production | | Categories: Commercial Production , Corporate Video Production , Film Production , Film Production Company , Music Video Production , TV Commercial Production , Video Producer , Video Production Company , Video Production Services , Videographer , Web Video Production , Web Video Production Company

Wired has a story about how YouTube is moving away from the short-attention span videos of yesterday to longer-form videos.

That might seem counterintuitive. Not so long ago, YouTube videos resembled long-form Vines more than anything approaching a 22-minute sitcom. But as more people watch video via mobile, the lines between highly produced television show and a rough YouTube vlog have blurred. These days smartphone users spend a whopping 54 percent of their video-viewing time on videos over 20 minutes long—that’s up from just 29 percent in the beginning of 2016.

The main reason seems to be that it’s easier to put ads on longer videos, but it also seems that if you have a compelling story, people will watch, even if it’s more than a few minutes.